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Monday, 31 July 2006

What I'm listening to now

Well, its a slow day on the blog today, nothing really interesting goingz on. So here's what I'm listening to at the moment.

  • James Morrison
    • Undiscovered (album)
      • Under The Influence
      • You Give Me Something
      • Wonderful World
      • The Pieces Don't Fit Anymore
      • One Last Chance
      • Undiscovered
      • The Letter
      • Call The Police
      • This Boy
      • The Rain Must Fall
      • How Come
      • The Last Goodbye
  • Jimmy Eat World
    • Futures (album)
      • Futures
      • Kill
      • The World You Love
      • Pain
      • Polaris
      • 23
    • Jimmy Eat World/Bleed American (album)
      • Bleed American
      • A Praise Chorus
      • The Middle
      • Your House
      • Sweetness
      • Hear You Me

Thursday, 27 July 2006

One Winged F-15

Yeah I was going for a Final Fantasy VII reference, but couldn't really be bothered. I mean c'mon "One Winged Angel"!!! That sounds gay, fitting, but gay.

Anyway, here's a youtube of how a pilot was able to land an F15 Eagle with only one wing.

Inspirational or Motivational?

You know those crappy inspirational posters that most offices have hung around (some people even have them in their houses - losers).
You know, like:
"TEAMWORK : Together we achieve that which no one can achieve alone."
I shit you not, that's a real one. And yes, that is a picture of men in a scrum, all sweaty and muddy with short shorts on. Not gay at all.

So here are some alternatives:
Despair Inc. These guys specialize in DE-motivational posters. Thery're quite funny. Check out their swanky lithographs.

Role Playing Inspirational Posters. These are all homemade and were submitted into a forum at the forums. Most are pretty poor (the image quality is bad and small size). But there are some gems in there. Of course most are RPG based, but there are some others in there. Quite good.
Check out the mirror as the site may be down.

Make your own. Fucking classic.

Motivational Comic Posters.

Wednesday, 26 July 2006

Tuesday, 25 July 2006

Guitar Amp Modelling

Well, this is something I'm interested in.

As we all know most people can't afford the couple o' grand that a Mesa Boogie dual/triple recifier head and a Mesa Boogie 4x12 cab costs. I sure as hell know that I can't afford that shit.
Hell, I can't even afford the £300 Native Instruments Guitar Rig 2 software that is currently sitting on my hard drive.

Here's a nice little article that details guitar amp plugins.

I might have to try a couple of these.

Reinstall Windows XP without Activation

Here's a little article on how to reinstall Windows without the need to re-activate it. YAY!!!

NOTE: This only works if you are using the same hardware.

Check it out

Monopoly of the Future

Well it seems that Monopoly has changed for the future. Apparently they are replacing the fun rainbow money with credit card type plastic. They even come complete with a little calculator/card reader that keeps track of your earnings.

I guess there's no more bribes or stealing from the banker. That said, there may be more chances for a electronic heist type robbery. Still...its gay.


Well its not really holograms and stuff. Its just a projector, projecting onto a stream on condensed air.


Local UK Search

Some guy made a search thingy for the UK.
It uses the Google maps API, but the best thing is that it was made in 24 hours. You can read the story on their site.

Check it out

Monday, 24 July 2006

Dane Cook is Unoriginal

Apparently so....

No wonder Dane Cook has no new jokes. He's been recycling jokes for a couple o' years now. Even on that crappy TV show "Tourgasm" he's telling the same jokes he told years ago.

Well at least Stephen Lynch is still funny.

Test Your Popup Blocker

Try it out here.

Is You PC Ready For Crysis?

Well some guy has posted some requirements in the official Crysis forum. These stats are only a guess at the moment, but I'm sure that they're pretty much acurate.

Check 'em out

Well I pretty much reach the Recommended System Requirements, except for the Dual Core Processor. But that's OK coz apparently AMD are planning a price cut, just in time for me to buy a new CPU.

See the Force...

Check out this new footage of some work being done on force powers in video games. Looks pretty cool. I just hope the Star Wars game that uses this is good.

Its Ask A Programmer Time...

Ask some top programmers some questions, and these are the answers you'd get.

McDonald's Goodnes


I want some fries.

Friday, 21 July 2006

Wireless Hotspot Hacks

errrmmm......nothing much else to say about it.


Cool Personal Website

Now this is one hell of a way to sell yourself.

Those big wigs will take notice fo' defo' yo! But I'm not the biggest fan of flash websites.

Thursday, 20 July 2006

Megapixels are soooo 2006

That's what people are gonna start saying next year, once the industry decide to make better digital cameras.
The current trend is that the more megapixels, the better. Which is actually just bullshit. If you want the real scoop, click here.

Basically all this article tells you is that megapixels aren't worth shit if you have a crap sensor and/or lens. Get in there quick, before the mainstream is to buy a camera with a good sensor and then splash out an coulpe o' hundred for a killer lens.

The Observer is Gay

They've released a list of the 50 albums that changed music.
They've seemed to make some of the gayest choices ever. Just read it....utter crap. For one, why the hell are the Spice Girls there!! and above Pink Floyd!!!
Also I think they may have forgotten Metallica - Master of Puppets, or Green Day - Dookie.

The List

Learn PHP in an hour

And the best thing is that all you have to do is sit down and watch...

Check it out

The Complete Jeopardy! Archive

Some retard thought it would be nice to archive every single question asked on tv quiz show Jeopardy!. This is the result

The are currently over 62,000 "answers" (as you have to guess the "question").

But I bet they don't have the Celebrity Jeopardy! questions from SNL. Now those were good.

Bag or Table?

Don't you sometimes wish that sometimes, your bag could just be a table? You know, so you could use your laptop while using your phone, or have your Super Dooper Sized Big Mac Meal without having to fight for a table.

Well now you can with the all new "FlightTable"

Wednesday, 19 July 2006

Rotary Padlocks...Meet Thy Maker

Some guy has created 2 machines that are able to crack those padlocks. Problem is that it takes about 30 minutes.

Here's some info/maths about lock combinations.
Also a video link on how to open a padlock with a shim

What is Sport?

Well, according to this list, practically anything can be a sport these days. We won't see them in the Olympics, but who gives a toss about that?

Gamer's Paradise

Check out this shop in Japan. Its fucking crazy!!! Stacked with video games and shit.

Check it out

I Want One of These....

Apparently its called a fukaamigasa.
But a Google search returns nothing :'(

If anyone knows where to get one, let me know.

How to get a freakin' job

Well, maybe not. But here are some interview techniques that may help you to get that job. You need to have an interview first...

Maybe I'll find an article on how to make a killer CV.

Interview tips from an experienced recruiter

I Don't Like Coffee...

...but this seems cool. Its the Internet Enabled Coffee Machine

Tuesday, 11 July 2006

How to REALLY Tie Your Shoelace

Frankly when I saw this on Digg (Learn To Tie The Fastest Shoelace), I thought it was gonna be some shit that teaches me how to tie shoelaces one-handed or something.

Or it was gonna be some crap that teaches me how to tie my shoelaces in the exact same way I tie them already.

BUT....I was wrong. This page totally RULEZ!!! I'm gonna tie all my shoes like this now, coz it makes the laces look awesome!!



Its the end of an era today.

Micro$oft has announced that it will cease all support for Windows 98 today, July 11th 2006.

I wish I still had my copy :'(

I could play dos games and everything :D

Oh well, I guess we're stuck with XP and Vista.

Monday, 10 July 2006


Yes, its that F.E.A.R. comedy movie episodes thingy.

I remember watching the first episode, and found it quite funny. But in my impatience, I couldn't be bothered to check for updated episodes.

Wikipedia entry
P.A.N.I.C.S. Official Site

Finger Licken' Smoked Hickory Goodness

So...Seb wants to go to that Bodean's BBQ place.

But I bet you didn't know that there's 3 of 'em!!! With a brand new one in Fulham, just next to the shop where we buy brews fo' the cinema.

Plus they show live USA sports, and at this time of the year its MLB!!! Come on Phillies. They also have some choice gay sports like rugby and golf and football.
Here's the sports schedule.

BBQ and Baseball? What else could you want? NFL and NCAA football.....(it's here in September - I can't wait).

How to Survive in the Business World

Here's an interesting article on The Top 10 Things They Never Taught Me in Design School.

It's quite good. Point 2. is my particular favourite because its so true. So think before you choose a "creative" profession.

Your Political Compass

Here's a little questionnaire that will tell you how you stand politically.

Take the Questionnaire
You may want to read the homepage first.

Here's how I scored:

Economic Left/Right: -2.63
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -1.64

compared to other world leaders:

Thursday, 6 July 2006

How Nike Conquered Skateboarding

Well, we all knew it was all a matter of time.....

How Nike Conquered Skateboard Culture

This article talks about how Nike were able to infect and germinate within skate culture itself. Not really how it rules skateboarding (because it doesn't). But to be fair I'm gonna buy some Nike SB Tre's on Saturday....mmmm...but which color?

Birch/Desert Orange-Maplewood
White/Royal Blue

MySpace on The Daily Show

Here's a kinda old Daily Show piece on MySpace.


A Study in Responsible Drinking

By Stephen Colbert and Steve Carell.

From the original Daily Show

Install your own webserver

Well, I found this on Digg and I couldn't decide which articles to add. Mainly because loads of users throw in they're 2 cents in the comments section, and there's a few alternative articles listed.

So here's a link to the digg article.

NOTE: if the link on Digg is down, search the comments for the Duggmirror link.

Need a new font?

Here's a site that has loads....I think they're all free.

How Dapper is your Drake?

Seeing as I have just received my 10 free Ubuntu CDs. Here's a little forum sticky on how to "Spiff Up Ubuntu 6.06"

Wednesday, 5 July 2006

The 100 Works Album Covers......EVER!!!

Here's a little time waster.

Check it out


Ahhh....etch-a-sketch. The good ol' days when you tried to draw stuff but it always looked like shit.

This guy has had a bit too much time with his etch-a-sketch and now makes proper drawings with it.

Check out his site: Etched In Time

Monday, 3 July 2006

Learn to drive....

Let's see.....Seatbelt - check....Handbrake - Check.....Mirrors - Check..wait, that's not right..this is.

Problem is that you might have to re-adjust your mirrors when reversing. Although some fancy cars do this automatically now-a-days (rich bastards).

A Cool Flash Piano Thing

The music isn't that good. Kinda disjointed, but still cool.

Check It Out

An Example of SQL Injection

Watch and Learn


If you're bored, click here

Walking?! Hell No....I....roll?

Check out there sweet powered roller shoe things. Once they get juiced up, you can go at a blistering 2 feet per second!!!

Microsoft are now Legally Gay/Evil

Well. We all know how gay Windows XP can be. We also know how crap Windows Genuine Advantage is.

But now, the new Microsoft WGA tool has been taken to court. YAY!!!

Hello Kitty....Hello Fender???

Well, we all know how über-cool Hello Kitty is. We also know how gay Fender guitars are (no link coz they're shit), especially the Stratocaster (classic, I know, but still gay unless its the Stevie Ray Vaughn edition). So the ultimate marriage between two cultural icons? the $21,625 Hello Kitty Custom Fender Stratocaster.

Mmmmmmmm......looks OK......but still....I hate Fender.

I love WebComics

They're so funny. But some are poop. Here are my two faves of the week:

VG Cats - #202 The Word - only for Final Fantasy VII fans.
Penny Arcade - Men Are From Krypton

M$ Encarta Bot

There's a new Encarta in town. And apparently it's in bot fashion. Here's a transcript of some guy's convo with it.

New Super Mario Bros.

Here's a vid showing a speed run of the final castle. This guy does it in 105 Seconds!!!. The timing is amazing!!!
Check out YouTube for more speed runs.

How many Frames Per Second can the human eye see?

Well I always thought is was like 40fps or something. But here's an interesting article on how many frames the human eye can see.

Plus there's a semi-cool, CSS, floating table, menu thingy on the left hand side.

Read it here

Apparently This is Paper...


This is supposed to be a V8 engine made out of paper, with steam and everything. Personally I could carve that kinda stuff out a tree trunk, using a butter knife, made of plastic. So I guess its nothing spectacular.

[Update] Errr...there actually is no steam. I lied. Who cares. Check out this guy's homepage for more of his work. Also here's a gratuitous link for X-Acto products, for all your cutting and stuff needs.