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Wednesday, 28 February 2007

Ahh...good ol' Web design

So...I like doing web design.
Recently I've tried to use the new Microsoft Ajax framework. There are others, but it integrates into Visual Studio, so you know, ease of use an all.

But if you're looking for some free ajax stuff check out:

There's a showroom of ajax stuff that you can download and use for yourself.

Also check out this article for 6 Tools for Web Design. It's pretty good....although written by a Mac fan.

Peace to do

Thanks to Digg for the links.

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Monday, 19 February 2007

High Delivery - Awesome Flash Game

Well, its been a while since I've found a game like this....

At least there's something to post about now huh?

This game is just so.....not really a game. Basically there's a bottle attached to a balloon that rises up into the sky. As the bottle floats, flowers start falling from the sky. Your mouse cursor represents a fan of sorts and you use it to indirectly push the balloon and bottle towards the falling flowers, which then get attached to the top of the bottle. You finally reach the end of the game (a gate on a cloud - heaven??), and your score is displayed.

The thing about this game is that it looks 'different' to most games these days. The graphics are soft and pastel like pictures. The music is soothing and there is no real competition or objective, just catching flowers.

For some reason I felt like blogging about this game.....and I don't know why. It's one of those 'artsy' games like Shadow of the Colossus and Ico, both of which I enjoyed.

So if you're interested, peep the links...

Play High Delivery

Read more from Joystiq

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Monday, 12 February 2007

Look ma, no hands!!!

So a DS is just a portable console right?? I mean, you hold it in like two hands and you play right??...

Well....when it comes to games like Metroid Prime: Hunters and Mario Basketball, you also have to use the stylus. This therefore leaves you with one hand holding the DS and the other, using the pen-like device. But this can be a painful experience for people, especially if they don't have a bendy stylus that wraps around the thumb or one of those cool thumb pointers that came with the original DS.

But fear not!!! Some random company has created a gadget(?) for this niche...behold the video review...

Cool huh?? I guess it'll come in handy when I play some Cooking Mama later...

Thanks to joystiq for the link.
If you wanna buy this, please check out the joystiq link. Also coz there's a gray area on the Japanese import scene over here in the UK. Also sadly DS Cooking is a Japanese release only....I guess I'm stuck on regular paper cook books...

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ATI's New R600

It's been a while eh? It's not my fault that news has been pretty weak....

Anyways, in the next generation war for PC graphic supremacy ATI and NVIDIAare stepping up and also beefing up their new chips and cards.

In NVIDIA's corner is the brand new GeForce 8 Series of cards.

In ATI's corner is the brand new Radeon R600 card series.

Now let me tell you that both are equally h-a-r-d-c-o-r-e.......the brand new ATI R600 needs 240~270 Watts of power!!!!! We won't really know the impact that these cards will have until Vista, DX10, and DX10 games (Alan Wake, Crysis, etc.) are fully released into the wild.

The lovely people at engadget have found a photo of the OEM R600 XTX (its a big muthafucka!!), and its apparently 12.4 inches long!!!!

Click the pic to read more at engadget.

Click here to read more form VR-ZONE.

Thanks to engadget for letting me leech the pic...

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