So a DS is just a portable console right?? I mean, you hold it in like two hands and you play right??...
Well....when it comes to games like Metroid Prime: Hunters and Mario Basketball, you also have to use the stylus. This therefore leaves you with one hand holding the DS and the other, using the pen-like device. But this can be a painful experience for people, especially if they don't have a bendy stylus that wraps around the thumb or one of those cool thumb pointers that came with the original DS.
But fear not!!! Some random company has created a gadget(?) for this niche...behold the video review...
Cool huh?? I guess it'll come in handy when I play some Cooking Mama later...
Thanks to joystiq for the link.
If you wanna buy this, please check out the joystiq link. Also coz there's a gray area on the Japanese import scene over here in the UK. Also sadly DS Cooking is a Japanese release only....I guess I'm stuck on regular paper cook books...
Well....when it comes to games like Metroid Prime: Hunters and Mario Basketball, you also have to use the stylus. This therefore leaves you with one hand holding the DS and the other, using the pen-like device. But this can be a painful experience for people, especially if they don't have a bendy stylus that wraps around the thumb or one of those cool thumb pointers that came with the original DS.
But fear not!!! Some random company has created a gadget(?) for this niche...behold the video review...
Cool huh?? I guess it'll come in handy when I play some Cooking Mama later...
Thanks to joystiq for the link.
If you wanna buy this, please check out the joystiq link. Also coz there's a gray area on the Japanese import scene over here in the UK. Also sadly DS Cooking is a Japanese release only....I guess I'm stuck on regular paper cook books...
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