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Monday, 14 May 2007

Possibly The Best Winamp Skin.....EVER!! [Updated]

Well, my last post was March 26th 2007.....long time huh? Sorry for being suck a lazy f**k recently. I've just been finding that the lack of news mixed with work, and my general lack of enthusiasm (translate to "yeah I'm a bit tubby so what! You wanna fight about it!"), and also the release of Final Fantasy XII has severely crippled my blogging.
But with the encouragement of Zi and my lovely girlfriend that I have decided to start blogging again....although I might have to start blogging at home...(I'm sorry FF, I love you really). Oh, and by encouragement I mean holding a gun to my head at dinner in Pizza Express while slightly drunk....

Ummm....this post is kinda long, if you wanna skip the "/rant" scroll down to the flashing gold text. If the text doesn't flash, then your browser is crap or IE (Microsoft Internet Explorer), that's an example of a synonym kids. Don't say I don't teach you nothin'....ingrates

Anyway, back to the matter at hand:
So, in my years of advocating the use of mp3 (although I wasn't there for the initial release of Winamp, I think I may have joined at around version 2.x or something, so let's just say a decade), I've not really strayed from using good ol' Winamp, as it had all the basic features I needed.
But then came the iPod and iTunes, which I felt obliged to use, as I got a 20Gb 3G iPod (the best design IMO, I hate that "click-wheel" thing, it's all about the Touch Wheel 4 Life). But the constant 'updates' of iTunes, led me to stray away back to Winamp. Especially because Apple kept deciding to add and remove features from iTunes (copy from to iPod to Hard Disk anyone?). The main reason for me not using iTunes, was it's inability to actually update my ID3 tags, instead choosing to store the data on a local XML file.....annoying. Plus they have that bloody "Sync your iPod to 1 computer ONLY" crap!!
Then I was all about Media Libraries (carried over from iTunes), so I started to use a combination of iTunes, Winamp, and Windows Media Player 11.
But then I got tired of having to use iTunes because I couldn't add or move songs from my home Library to my work library without using my iPod like an external hard drive. Although it's easy to download an extractor program or write one yourself (all the mp3's are stored in a series of hidden folders, and then you can rename then via the ID3 or the library.xml on the iPod), I didn't want to have to run multiple apps to do what should be a simple job. Plus it has that annoying CD Cover rolodex thing which would only work properly on Macs or PCs with good graphics cards. Then there was the whole issue about having to download a new version because is has "fixes", aka iTunes fixes problems with this and that...
I initially like WMP11, but it eventually the Library started to annoy me, especially the search for album details online feature. It became a chore to use, and having to pick the correct album version that you wanted from a list of multiples was tiring. Then there was the whole problem with trying to change the tags after some had already been set, as it would always only find the details that you selected before. Also, being a Microsoft product, it didn't support the iPod as an attached porable media device. Eventually WMP became my choice app to play all those crappy proprietary Microsoft/Windows formats (asf, wmv, wma)...
So now I'm back to Winamp as a player and a library. With the addition of The Godfather or Tag&Rename, to do group tagging and renaming; and then Amazon, Wikipedia and Play to find tracklists. Oh, don't forget the 3rd party Winamp iPod plugin: ml_ipod for all your iPod needs (direct drag & drop from explorer without having to add to your library, copying to your hard disk, and now with better repair and format features). I use this as the inbuilt one (pmp_ipod) sucks, even though it has one of the original ml_ipod devs, it's still lacking features.

/end rant

Hahaha!!! I f*cking hate people that do that!!
or /sarcasm
or /joking
"I'm so cool and nerdy/geeky, this comment will be awesome!!!" (titters in excitement) *tappity* *tap* *tap* *tap* "OMG! I typed '/endrant', hehehe"

Losers...they can so suck a fuck! (bonus points for anyone who can name where that's from)
[NOTE: Points awarded from J's Megagig Wondertron are not redeemable for anything. You might be able to buy J a latté though.]

Finally here we are!!! THE BEST WINAMP SKIN EVER!!!!

It's a Haro from the Gundam anime, or was it Gundam Seed? I don't know, I've never watched any of the Gundam series'.
The best thing about it is when you put it in 'mini' mode the actual skin animates to the music!!
[NOTE: To put it in mini mode, click the circle in the middle of it's mouth. Between the forward and back buttons]
Apart from that, it's a very well made skin, and well thought out.
To get some sweet laughs, listen to Beat Box by Matisyahu, it's track 7 on the Live at Stubbs album. It's so funny firstly because he's crap at beat boxing, and secondly the Haro goes f*cken crazy at some points....enjoy

Here's another skin from the same guy: Quadelic.

I suggest everyone download Winamp and the Anaheim Player 01!!!! NOW!!!

Peace out.

Thanks to takanory for the awesome skin-age and to Nullsoft for Winamp

[Update]: Added a quick fix for skipping my rant. Couldn't be arsed to add an anchor and a link coz the post is shown on 2 different pages. Also added the Matisyahu stuff.

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